Post Oral Surgery Instructions
In this video, Dr. Kazemi reviews important home care instructions following oral surgery for optimal recovery and healing.
In this video, Dr. Kazemi reviews important home care instructions following oral surgery for optimal recovery and healing.
In this video, Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi, describes the entire dental implant treatment process, from finding the right dentists to getting your beautiful and long-lasting teeth. He reviews each stage of the treatment and its relevant components to achieving a successful result.
Sean shares his experience about loss of his upper two front teeth during a sports accident and how immediate implant placement restored his teeth, smile, and bite.
Herbert Da Silva, professional soccer player from DC United talks about his experience.
Dental implants success depends on many factors including patient health, proper diagnosis and treatment planning, team approach between the oral surgeon, restorative dentist, and other team members, as well as normal and healthy bone where implants are placed. This podcast reviews techniques used to correct a three dimensional jaw bone defect to allow proper positioning of dental implants and bridge.