
Current Workflow in Dental Implant Therapy For Optimal Efficiency, Remarkable Results, & Practice Growth

In this comprehensive course, we will guide you through the current workflow in full arch therapy for optimal efficiency, exceptional results, and practice growth. Whether you are just starting to explore Full Arch Dental Implant Therapy or have faced difficulties and complications in your previous attempts, this course is designed to meet your needs. Whether you are new to Full Arch Dental Implant Therapy or seeking to overcome previous challenges, this course is your gateway to success. Together, we can elevate your dental practice and provide your patients with the exceptional care they deserve.

Participants will learn:

  • Digital Diagnostics: Discover the latest advancements in digital diagnostics that will help you plan and execute Full Arch Dental Implant Therapy with precision.
  • Totally Guided Treatments: Learn how to implement totally guided treatments, ensuring accuracy and success in every procedure.
  • Minimizing Chair Time: Streamline your processes and minimize chair time while maintaining the highest level of patient care.
  • Remarkable Results: Gain insights and techniques that will allow you to consistently deliver remarkable results for your patients.

Speakers: Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi, Dr. Marko Tadros, Dr. DJ Shin, Amir Juzbasic

Date: Next date to be announced

Time: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Format: In-Person

CE: 8 hours

This is a complimentary course designed for restorative dentists in MD / DC / VA who work in a team collaboration model and want to engage in a continuum educational series. This course will fill fast, so RESERVE your seat today.

Digital Implant Dentistry for General Dentists: How to Achieve Remarkable Results

In this masterclass, we discuss the restorative and surgical protocol in digital implant dentistry and how it decreases treatment time and number of visits, while optimizing precision, aesthetics, and function of the final restorations.

Speaker: H. Ryan Kazemi, DMD

Date: Next date to be announced

Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Location: 4825 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 302, Bethesda, MD 20814

CE: 2 hours

Course Tuition: Complimentary

Transitional Restorative Options For Optimal Soft Tissue Design and Aesthetics Around Dental Implants


Transitional prosthesis following teeth extractions and placement of dental implants is an important part of the overall treatment. It provides patients with the necessary function and aesthetics while awaiting for the definitive restorations. The transitional design must protect the tissue following extractions, implants, or bone grafting procedures while it sets the tone for the final restorations. In this course, Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi discusses the options for both fixed and removable transitional restorations during post-surgical healing phase. He also discusses implant-supported transitional restorative options including customized healing abutments and prototype restorations and their role in designing the ideal soft tissue architecture. 

The participants will:

  • Learn various types of removable transitional / interim restorations and risks and benefits of each type
  • Understand the transitional design concepts in relation to bone and soft tissue
  • Learn the critical decision-making on design based on biology of healing
  • Learn how to avoid common complications associated with transitional-induced tissue atrophy
  • Learn various transitional restoration designs for applications in single, multiple, and full arch treatments

When: Next Date To be Announced

Time: 6 PM – 8 PM

Speaker: Dr. H. Ryan Kazemi

Location: 4825 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 302, Bethesda, MD 20814

Course Fee:  FREE